Finding Serenity in a Digital World

The speed and efficiency of tech gadgets is making it more challenging to live in sync with the rhythms of the natural world. Which do you prefer, screen-light or sun/moon/starlight? The interiorization of technology means that as we internalize the energies and behaviors of the technology, this affects our nervous systems and mental processes. Many people are on edge, jittery, and short-tempered. Success is promoted in 1-2-3 clicks, but good work requires time. Mankh will share and discuss ways to help you balance your energies, maintain equilibrium, and enhance your intuitive abilities so you can better manage your digital experiences and stay in relationship with Earth and Spirit energies.

Quartz, used in computers, etc., is "the second most abundant mineral in Earth's continental crust behind feldspar," which is one example of how the Earth already had 'global connectivity' before all the technology...

TO LISTEN 68-minutes

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