Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) writes, small press publishes, edits, teaches, and does brush calligraphy; he travels a holistic mystic Kaballah-rooted pathway staying in touch with Turtle Island. Mankh meditates, gardens, enjoys music and good humor. With irreverently reverent style he offers sociopoetical commentary and more.
His writings aim to reflect truth, uplift or calm the reader, and present information that may help the reader (in some way) with his or her life-journey. He has authored-edited 17 books (ranging from poetry to essays to poetic nonfiction), over 150 essays, but doesn’t keep count of the poems because poems don’t need to be counted as if quantity makes for quality, rather poems are to be felt and sometimes written and read.
Mankh facilitates classes/workshops, helps other writers produce their books, and for about 15 years was resident poet and essay contributor at axisoflogic. To contact him: mankh(a)allbook-books.com
   (photo by Mindy Kronenberg)
Mankh assembles words into a, presumably, original and unique, yet recognizable order, which, according to popular opinion, makes him a writer, though he also considers himself a recorder or freelance scribe attempting to make sense of the world and himself, as well as to convey words, thoughts, ideas, and emotions from a holistic perspective.
Mankh’s overall writings are typically a blend of reverence for/with Nature and various spiritual traditions; a disdain for the machinations of greedy belligerent geo-political egotisms manifesting en masse as empires; fused with Bebop verbal rhythms; remnants of humor from his days, er, nights as a stand-up comedian; and the whisperings from contemplations and meditations. He aims to calm, shock, enlighten, and entertain the reader/listener into a deeper place of consciousness with an ability to transcend dualisms, have a greater sense of life-purpose, and a caring for all beings and the evolutionary journey.....
He started writing in elementary school, and over the years and miles and times spent not writing.. the poetry (especially) took hold and helped shape his creative urges . . . and continues to . . .
Poems and mysticism: An interview with publisher, writer, and speaker Mankh
Along with books, his poems, essays, reviews and letters to the editor have been published in: Empty Vessel: Journal of Taoist Philosophy and Practice, În Spatele Blocului, Alternative Culture Jam, Outlook Long Island, Long Island Pulse, The Long-Islander, Void Magazine, CounterPunch, ward6review, www.poetryvlog.com , Frogpond, www.simplyhaiku.com , Northport Journal, The Poet’s Art, The Brownstone Poets 2009; Anthology, LIBRe: Long Island Book Review, The Suffolk Standard, Creations Magazine, Long Island Quarterly/Poetry Bay, Paumanok Poets News, d’Arts, Book/Mark: A Quarterly Small Press Review, Bards Bi-Monthly, Starting From Paumanok... The Newsletter of the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association, Sports, Inc., Long Island Sounds: An Anthology of Poetry From Maspeth to Montauk and Beyond, Performance Poets Association Literary Review - http://www.performancepoets.org & Newsday
© 2024 by Walter E. Harris III.